Today, I went to the zoo in Cuenca, and what a great experience it was! I took a taxi there, a 20 min. ride for $4 U.S. (that’s the currency here), and a bus back for 25c. Entrance fee was $6, and it took me four hours to make the tour. Granted, I took over 300 photos and read most of the signs, many of which were bilingual. Good for my emerging Spanish skills.
The zoo is a rescue center, and in this sign they outline the “sad pasts” of many of their clients, such as Pancha, the Mono Capuchino (capuchin monkey), who had been kept with a chain around his neck.
My favourite part of the zoo, apart from the lions being fed, was probably the aviary. There, I could get up close and personal with the exotic, colourful birds.
I also really enjoyed the monkeys, and some of the little ones had the run of the place.
I had bought a cup of fruit for lunch and set it down on the table when I went to take a picture of these two:
Then I heard some Ecuadorians laughing and turned around to see this little monkey had taken liberty with my fruit!
The monkey enclosure: