–submitted by Matthew Lettington;
–photographs by Brian Parsons
Light gray clouds hung low in the Saturday morning sky as four Island Mountain Ramblers set out on the day’s journey : summit Mount Tzouhalem from Genoa Bay. Matthew carried 3-year-old Hemingway on his back as he led the two newest Island Mountain Ramblers on their hike across the south facing slopes, toward the beautiful summit ridge.
A bounty of fall leaves fluttered with each step as we ascended the narrow booted trail. We paused frequently to catch our breath, admire the many views of the bays beyond. Hemingway ranged through the gamut of emotions as the day progressed. At times he was feisty, but other times sleepy. He demanded to walk; other times, he demanded to be carried: shoulder rides, piggy-backs and sometimes just long hugs.
We took our time and enjoyed the day. We mad
e it to the cross at the cliff’s edge before lunch and enjoyed the breaking sunshine, and viewed turkey vultures soaring below us.
It was a fine day in the valley, and we made the best of it!