Jewel Lake, Mt Cokely, Rouseau Trail Circuit

–submitted by Mary Hof
Sunday July 15th was a great day for a hike, with clear blue skies. 9 hikers in two vehicles drove Cameron Main and parked at the saddle parking area of Mt Arrowsmith. We started hiking at 9:30 and heading up the saddle, many had not done this hike before so they were in awe how beautiful it was. Glacier Lily’s were seen, as well as other wild flowers. Just a bit of snow left at the top of the saddle.

With a break at the saddle 8 of us then went and hike down to Jewel Lake, the lake was beautiful but no one swam, lol. If you go down you got to go up, and we again stopped at the saddle to see the scramble that was before us to the ridge of Cokely. Everyone made their own pace to reach the ridge, some found it harder then others. We reach Mt Cokely summit at 12:30 and had lunch and having 360 degree views on a beautiful clear day was awesome. We then heading back down the ridge in way of the Rouseau trail, made a little detour to the cabin there, and headed back to the car for 3:07.
My estimated time was 3pm. Ice cream for some at Whiskey Creek was a well deserved. Thanks to Andrew E. for sharing some of his photo’s. Thanks to the group you were all awesome, and it was a pleasure to lead.
Leader Mary Hof

2 Replies to “Jewel Lake, Mt Cokely, Rouseau Trail Circuit”

  1. Great write up! Do you know if you can camp overnight on Jewel lake?
    We understand there are no facilities and will be packing everything we take in, out.


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