On Saturday, March 30th a small group of Ramblers and guests took a few hours to hike the Mount Benson trail. Our goal was to survey the area that we are designated to work in, describe the type of work that needs to be done, and examine what the winter rage has wrought.
Happily, the snow has receded, revealing the ground and making it easy to see the work we still need to do. The work falls into four categories, requiring three different types of skills to complete.
On Saturday, March 30th a small group of Ramblers and guests took a few hours to hike the Mount Benson trail. Our goal was to survey the area that we are designated to work in, describe the type of work that needs to be done, and look at what the winter has wrought.
Happily, the snow has receded, revealing the ground and making it easy to see the work we still need to do. The work falls into four categories, requiring three different types of skills to complete.
General Trail Clean-up
This includes removing debris, from the main trail, and possibly reposition debris from the side of the trail to clearly define the official trail. Some pruning of dead branches using a simple saw.
Watercourse Cleanup
There is a natural watercourse on the south (hikers left when walking up) below our project site. It is cluttered with branches and other fallen debris. During inclement weather, it overfills and spills over and causes erosion of the official trail. This will require handwork and shovels to clear the watercourse. This work is important but otherwise simple enough to do. It’s a minor investment in labour but will protect the existing route without altering the landscape.
We have designs for a simple bridge (more of a lifted boardwalk really) over a small water feature. This structure will direct traffic and prevent trail braiding. This will require skilled labour and the use of tools and hammer/nails to construct. As it will also have some heavy lifting to move large beams, it will require a team of people to assemble in place.

Slope Stabilization
Above the old road, there is a section of trail that experiences a lot of erosion, every year. A combination of water flow, freeze-thaw cycles, and thousands of people visiting every year, it’s getting worse. This section poses the most difficulty because it’s the most complex. There isn’t a definitive plant but the work may include creating terraces with garden ties. These structures would then be backfilled and stabilized further by planting indigenous shrubbery and plants.

Waterfall on the Trail
We still don’t have a solid plan for this section. Rerouting the water may not be possible, which may necessitate clearing the nearby slash to re-establish the trail aside the flow of water.

If you would like to know more about the project, you can contact bensonproject@ islandmountainramblers.com for more information, and check the project page on our site.
We need someone that can coordinate this project. Contact the president if you can help and want more information.