December 28, 2019
~ submitted by Matthew Lettington
In an attempt to blow out the holiday duff, twelve members headed out for a hike that the club hasn’t hosted since 2011, the upper portion of the Cowichan River. It was well worth the adventure!

The very light mist added to the ambiance as we followed the old fisher-person trail west along the north shore of the Cowichan River. For the most part, the trail is easy to spot, and where we lost it, Dean led the way.
We walked past fish carcasses, deer skeletons, and dozens of gnawed upon maple trees along the river bank. I was lucky enough to spot a submerged beaver swimming up the river– what a treat!
We covered 14.1 km but and only gained ~200m in four and a half hours, despite the fact that we hiked up the river.