Magical Mushrooms!

An Island Mountain Ramblers hike from Mt. Washington to Wood MountainSept. 26, 2020In order to avoid the dreaded car shuttle that involves an extra 2 hours of driving, we swapped vehicles at the meet-up point on Piercy Road. My group of four then drove up to Mt. Washington’s Raven Lodge, and the other three drove to the old Forbidden Plateau Ski Area. When we finished the hike, our vehicles were waiting for us. 

Our Route – 26.5 km

Although the previous days had been rainy, the sun beckoned us forward through Paradise Meadows

And up through a cascade of colors

The trail is well-marked and generally easy to follow

After two hours it becomes more like a back-country trail with rough creek crossings

Yes, it was damp in places!

And oh! the mushrooms! I’ve never seen anything like it.

Kendra in our group had the “Seek” app that identifies almost any recorded animal or plant in your area. Just amazing! Some of the above mushrooms are: Lobster Mushrooms and Lion’s Mane (Karen Armitage photos), Scaley Chanterelles, and Angels’ Wings. 
And after about 8 hours of hiking, we arrived at our cars, so glad that we didn’t have a shuttle ahead of us. Thanks to Bil, Jeff, Graham, Shannon, Kendra, and Karen for making this trip happen! (And although the rain threatened, we held it at bay.)

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