October 17th, 2020
~ submitted by Ken Warren
Six of us set off from the Ships Creek trailhead on a cool and overcast Saturday morning. The trail is in excellent condition and is still quite dry. We paused at the first lookout which can give views stretching from Mount Marks to the Comox Glacier, but the clouds had dropped low enough to conceal any mountain presence.
We continued up to the lookout below Mt. Hankin where we had tea and good views up and down the Inlet as the clouds had lifted a bit. Descending into the rainforest we stopped several times to admire the quantity and variety of mushrooms especially the amanita muscaria.
Reaching the Inlet, we spent a few minutes wandering around the old scout camp and had apples from a medium sized tree flourishing on the shoreline. Lunch was at Lonetree Point where we speculated on the activities of the marine traffic.
Returning, we stopped frequently to admire the trees and understory, and to pick some lobster mushrooms. The weather was deteriorating with the wind increasing and occasional drops of rain, but it held off until we reached the parking lot. This was a good day in good company. Thanks.