May 2, 2023
~ submitted by Dorothy Benneke

We started hiking 10ish. It was a consistent climb with a couple of nice viewpoints on the way up, with Garry Oak ecosystem lower down and old growth Douglas fir higher up. A Northern Alligator Lizard posed for us while sunning itself on some rocks.
I was finally rewarded with the fantastic views at the top after hiking it twice last year and being disappointed with no views due to fog.

We enjoyed a short lunch break at the summit, marvelling at the specular views with Turkey Vultures, Bald Eagles and Violet-green swallows at eye level. We even saw a Golden Eagle – thanks to Joseph for the ID.

Saw some cheerful spring flowers along the way.

Arrived back at the vehicle 1:30ish, so had plenty of time to indulge in Salt Spring Gelato before catching the 3pm ferry back.
One of those perfect days…we felt like we won the lottery!