Ash Pond and Drabble Lakes

July 3, 2023

~ submitted by John Robertson

Only 2 people arrived at the old Wood Mountain parking lot for an 8:30 start. The
colour of the sunlight betrayed the presence of a smoke haze in the air, and the
otherwise clear skies promised a hot day.

We discussed the planned route as we stretched a bit to loosen up from the car
ride, and gathered gear. Then the “warm-up” up the old ski hill began. We
exchanged good mornings with a few other groups on the way up.

Inside the park boundary, the forest gave welcome shade as we started up towards
Becher. We found that our maps were accurate, and we easily discovered the Ash
Pond trail, right where they left it. The trail was booted, and well marked,
although a bit overgrown in spots.

The terrain, views, plant life, and birds made spectacular entertainment as we
proceeded to Ash pond itself. At the pond, we stopped for a snack, and took in
the views.

We then descended towards Slingshot Meadows, but hopped up on a ridge to head
north, cutting the corner, and heading more or less straight towards the Drabble
Lakes trail junction. There was bushwhacking and wandering, until we found our
way off the ridge, and onto the traverse trail, just about where we expected to

The side trip up to Drabble Lakes was fairly quick, just to have a dip, a snack, and
to feed the ravenous flies. We sprayed DEET, and headed for home.

The plateau traverse trail was enjoyable, with plenty of woodland flowers. It would
likely have been enjoyed more, had we not been so hot and tired by that point.
We did take advantage of a handy patch of snow to cool off.

Then it was the dusty trip back down to the parking lot. Cool off stretching,
rehydration, and we headed for home.

This was the first time on the Ash Pond trail for us both, and we were delighted. It
was definitely worth the try. I anticipate visiting it again at some point,
perhaps incorporating a try at Indianhead Mountain from somewhere on that

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