July 15th, 2023
~ submitted by Matthew Lettington
Another day in paradise! Our group of eight had a luxurious day on the slopes of Mount Maquilla.
In June, Jes and Matthew found this easy route up Mount Maquilla. I described the route as minimal bush, and I’ll stand by that statement. The majority of the bush is found on the overgrowing road, but even that has been trimmed over the years. It wasn’t much more than a minor annoyance.

From the end of the road it was a quick jaunt through an open cut block and old growth forest to the wide open alpine meadows and heathery slopes. The alpine route is steep but free of loose debris and snow. We took many breaks to enjoy our day and revelled in the breeze whenever it arose!

The summit has a spectacular view of the surrounding area. I took great pleasure in viewing the Haithe Range from this aspect as just the weekend before we were on the opposite side of the range viewing the opossums aspect.

Even with the late start and lengthy stay on the summit, we were back at the car six hours after we left. Thanks to all those members that made it out. This one’s worth it!