September 30th, 2023
~ submitted by Mary Hof
Today I led a group of 8 on a hike to Mt. Apps for the Island Mountain
Mt Apps is the second highest summit in the Beaufort Range and overlooks the east
coast of Vancouver Island as well as the Alberni Valley to the west and south.
It also presents excellent views of the southern part of Strathcona Provincial
Park to the northwest. We could see forever today.

Mt Apps has two summits with the higher one lying at the south end of an almost 1 km long connecting ridge. The summit cairn, CDMC plaque and geodetic survey monument all lie, however, on the slightly lower north summit overlooking Georgia Strait and Denman Island. Zella lake is so beautiful which is close to the summit. Before we even got to the trailhead we had a helicopter in front of us which was ready to go up that was doing some kind of
tree pruning. It brought back memories of me hiking the Northern Selkirk Mountains this summer and going up by helicopter.

Today we had such beautiful awesome weather the group was awesome and no one but me had gone up before from the Alberni side. Like most mountains of the Beaufort Range, Mt Apps is named for a local personality from years gone by. Don Apps was a well know
Courtenay mountaineer.

We have such a beautiful Island with so many good hikes. Yes you need a good vehicle and the road was hairy in a place or two, but I put it in 4×4 couple times and slow does it, just don’t look over the edge lol. Thanks to Robin who also drove his vehicle. I always want two vehicles going in on these kinds of hikes, I would not want to be up there with only one
Today Leslie gave us a little reminder about Truth and Reconciliation and read some quotes for us to think about. Thanks to Carol, who shared her pictures.