~ submitted by Adrian Houle
July 15, 2018
4 Island Mountain Ramblers attended and enjoyed the Mountain Improv course on July 15.
March 17th, 2018: We headed out from Raven Lodge, Mount Washington ski resort around 8 am. We took the western route through paradise meadows to and across Lake Helen Mackenzie, between Mount Elma and Mount Brooks. We continued past Strata Mountain and several hours after leaving the parking lot we were at our chosen base camp on Circlet Lake.
–submitted by Adrian Houle
Continue reading “Ash Pond Trail, Mt. Becher via Slingshot meadows”
-submitted by Adrian Houle,
We passed through Morrell Sanctuary, under the power lines, up the trails and past the old DND road to the top of Roberts roost. We then follow a trail out the back side of Roberts roost onto some old logging roads that lead through a swampy valley and traced the Westwood cliffs until they lower to a hill and allowed us up onto the ridges. From there we follow the ridges back to a different part of the same trail system we started on, and back to the sanctuary.