Maple Mountain

~submitted by Karen Armitage

May 5, 2018

Five hikers converged at 9:00 am at the Crofton trailhead, and were quickly underway along the blue trail. We worked our way along the well-marked trail, enjoying the ferns, arbutus and oak trees along the way. Camas lily were blooming on the rocky headlands. Throughout the day, we encountered several other hikers, with and without dogs. We passed the first pink trail junction and continued to the second, gradually gaining some elevation. Once we started up the pink trail, we climbed more steadily, motivated by the thought of enjoying lunch at the top.

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Heart Lake/Stocking Lake

~ submitted by Karen Armitage

April 22, 2018

Five hikers set out around 10:00 am, for a ramble around the Town of Ladysmith trail system.  Parking at the end of Colonia Dr., we followed the Holland Creek trail to just above the bridge, and then branched off to the Heart Lake trail.  The climb up rewarded us with a view over Ladysmith Harbour.

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