Mt Allan Brooks and Mt Elma

–submitted by Pete Hrkac

We started from Raven Lodge at 8:15am. The weather was perfect: clear, sunny and no wind. Our route took us up the North side of Allan Brooks, then down to the col between AB and Elma, up Elma’s west face, then down the NE side and back via Battleship Lake. No snowshoes were needed, given the icy, firm crust. The group used a mix of microspikes and crampons, and the ice axes stayed attached to our packs. Conditions were made for efficient moving, and our total moving time was just shy of 6.5 hours. Overall, a beautiful day with unusually great conditions given the time of year.

Upper Cowichan River (Part 3) – Lifetime Hiking Objective

–submitted by Su Castle
Part 3 Cowichan River Trail. ✅
By previous accounts, I thought parts of this trail was going to be really gnarly with bad bushwacking. We did follow a previous hiker’s track to keep us in line when the ‘trail’ was more elk than human. Most of the hike was lovely and obvious. The frozen ground helped to keep feet dry. Some areas typically would be pretty mushy. My shins bear the tale of walking into hidden branches along the ‘make your own adventure’ sections!

Continue reading “Upper Cowichan River (Part 3) – Lifetime Hiking Objective”

Gemini Mountain

November 2, 2024

~ submitted by Matthew Lettington

We had a glorious trip planned up Sadie Peak from the west (Nitnat) side. A week earlier, Phil and I explored this approach and discovered that the old road was drivable to nearly 1000 metres, provided that one doesn’t care a lick about their paint. I was primed to do this peak again without the long, busier approach from the Nitnat-Nanaimo Lakes pass. Things didn’t go as expected. 

Just 2 kilometres from my house, my water pump decided to give up, drenching the Jeep’s cooling system and killing my power steering. It was a challenging journey back home, with the vehicle on the brink of overheating. But I was not alone in this. I called Chris, who kindly agreed to pick me up, showing the true spirit of friendship. With our camaraderie, we set out to create a new plan, undeterred by the unexpected turn of events. 

Continue reading “Gemini Mountain”

Maple Mountain – Pink Route

December 15, 2024

~ submitted by Mary Hof

The weather was perfect on this December day. I decided to lead the New Pink Trail on Maple mountain having just done is few days before. This hike does take you through a high cliff area, with a couple of tricky parts.

We started on this route all going well until one person just did not feel she could do it. It was decided we would all head down and bush walk to find the other pink. Finding it was no problem, we then continued our route to the top and down to Darell Bench and ridge and headed to a couple cars we had place on Arbutus Drive.

A fun day and enjoyed by all.

Rappel Workshop

November 11, 2024

~ submitted by Matthew Lettington

The weather must’ve scared a couple of other people away, but I had a great time with Roland on the cliffs.

While it was a little bit breezy, the rain didn’t show up until our last rappels. 

Mount Prevost

November 3, 2024

~ submitted by Mary Hof

It was a beautiful November day to hike to the summit of Mt. Prevost. We made the two peaks,  where we could see the fresh snow to Mt. Whymper, El Capitan, Landale and Mt. Service.

We stopped at the War Memorial Cairn for 2 minutes of silence. Coming down we met a group of 4 hikers that had heavy packs, they were going to hang glide down. It was a great day, with a wonderful group of hikers. 

Mt Tzouhalem

October 12, 2024

~ submitted by Mary Hof

With a beautiful sunny 21 degree weather day we were all wondering why we didn’t wear shorts. We did a short car shuttle and started our hike at the cave trailhead.

We hiked Maret Way named after a good friend who loved bushwhacking so this trail probably would not be found without a track. We made our way to the ridge and down Mad Dog. We came out at Genoa Bay.

I loved our group and they were very appreciative of the hike. It was a beautiful day.