The club schedule is now on Meetup. You can find us here.
You may add an event to the club Meetup using this form.
Information for guests
We allow guests to attend trips as a courtesy to our trip leaders and members who want to bring a friend on a trip. If you have a friend that’s a member, they can contact the trip leader to see if there’s space for a guest.
- A guest may attend two club day trips before becoming a member
- Guests are not admitted to the club Meetup
General Information for Club Trips
- Please do not attend if you have any symptoms of illness
- Information on how to join a trip
- You must join the club meetup to join trips
- Use the Meetup Event Creation Form to submit a trip for the schedule
- The Event Coordinator will post the trip and assign you the trip leader. You can change the Meetup settings once the trip is posted. If you need help changing the settings, you can contact the IMR Events Manager
Trip Rating System
- Regardless of the grade classification, on every hike we are likely to encounter uneven terrain, rocks, roots, mud, loose surfaces and stream crossings
- HK1 –Hiking – Easy: Gentle slopes and/or rolling terrain, mainly trails
- HK2 –Hiking – Moderate: Gentle to moderate slopes with longer ascents, may include off-trail travel, may require the occasional use of hands for balance
- HK3 — Hiking – Difficult: Moderate to steep slopes with longer more sustained ascents, may include off-trail travel, may require use of hands, introduction of some minor exposure
Scrambling usually refers to off-trail travel over rough, steep ground like ridges, and gullies where the use of hands is required. Scrambling does not use a rope for ascending. Exposure to serious falls is a significant factor as scrambling difficulty increases.
- SC1 — Scrambling – Easy: Steep mountainous terrain, scrambling requires use of hands, mild exposure to falls could cause injury
- SC2 — Scrambling – Moderate: Steep mountainous terrain, scrambling moves increase in difficulty, increased exposure to falls and potential for serious injury, helmet and / or rope may be required
- SC3 –Scrambling – Difficult: – Steep mountainous terrain, moves are difficult and require advanced skills, a cool control of vertigo is required from extreme exposure, helmet required / rope may be required.
- CL1 — Climbing – roped, protected climbing and rappelling, hardware required
- P1 — Leisurely pace with frequent rest breaks. Pace slows considerably on hills and significant recovery time needed after steep sections. Several lunch/snack breaks on a full day hike.
P2 — A slow pace with occasional short rest breaks. The pace slows slightly on hills and short recovery as needed after steep sections. A few lunch/snack breaks on a full day hike.
- P3 — Moderate pace with occasional short (5-minute max) rest breaks. The pace slows slightly on hills and short recovery needed after steep sections. One lunch/snack break on a full day hike.
- P4 — Mostly fast pace with occasional “breathers” (less than a minute) for recovery. Fairly consistent pace over all terrain. Little to no recovery needed after steep sections. One short lunch/snack break on a full day hike.
- P5 — Consistently fast pace with little need for a break. Pace stays consistent regardless of terrain and recovery not needed after steep sections. May stop for a quick snack but prefer not to dally long.
January 1, 2022 all club events will be posted on Meetup. All events and participant management will be done through Meetup
This schedule continues until the end of December 2021.