Excerpts from Timberline Tales Number 2 January 1966 — President’s Greeting

— Original Publication Date: January 1966

[I have omitted the list of members, addresses and contact information for privacy reasons]

Welcome to the nineth year of hiking with the Island Mountain Ramblers. The 1966 Schedule of hikes, which an be obtained from any of the district representatives, has been lengthened, in keeping with the growth of the club.

A number of changes have been made to this club publication, including the name, “Timberline Tales” which was suggested by Syd Watts, and the listing of paid-up members.

At the annual meeting, recommendations will be brought forward for the requirements of members of other clubs to join the Ramblers. After these plans are approved, a combined information sheet and application form, which will be available for prospective members, can be obtained from the district representatives.

:hope that you find the outings on the 1966 schedule to your liking and that I will see you on the hikes.

John Cowlin