This file was originally mailed to the members of the Island Mountain Ramblers, in 1969-70.
[Note: the IMR is looking for someone to transcribe this document contact if you can do it]
Timberline Tales 1969-70

Image Gallery for Cape Scott Trip:
Bill Hill – Boiler, probably at lagoon.
Meadows. Bill Hill.
Sand Neck. WWII plank road across sand (a few planks and nails can still be found in the sand). Bill HIll
Sand Neck, WWII plank road. Bill Hill.
Experiment Bight, eastern end. Sand neck visible in the distance. Bill Hill.
Group photo, probably end of trip at the lagoon near the pickup location for the float plane. Ruth Master’s holding glass ball. Phyllis Hill red hair first row. Bill Hill, taller blue shirt.
Bill Hill, lagoon.
This image was flipped when scanned. It always looked familiar but not right. When the image is flipped horizontally it becomes clear. Experiment Bight, eastern end, near where the trail to Nells Bight exits onto the beach. Sand Neck visible in the distance on the left and the Cape to the right (in the corrected image). Bill Hill blue shirt.
Unknown person at the Sand Neck. Looking north towards Experiment Bight.
Location unknown. Ruth Master red shirt.
Ruth Master hold glass ball. Nells Bight, on rocks near the “old” ranger cabin.
Lagoon, probably closer to the dykes. Phyllis Hill on left (red hair)
Suspect this is the King’s Farm / Spencer Farm. Phyllis Hill
Telegraph Wire beside plank road from Sandneck to the lighthouse. Bill Hill.
Phyllis Hill, holding an artifact from the settlement.
Hansen Lagoon
Sand Neck, WWII plank road. Bill Hill.
Location unknown Bill Hill blue shirt
This image was flipped when scanned. This is at Experiment Bight, eastern section walking towards the west just before the middle beach section. Bill Hill blue shirt. Ruth Masters red clothing brown backpack.