Mount Allan Brooks Intermediate Snowshoe on Family Day Weekend

-submitted by Matthew Lettington
Read the full report on his blog: Boring Art, Boring Life

Making the most of a long weekend means different things to different people. For Family Day Weekend 2016, I jammed in a daytrip for each of the three days, including an overnight camp at a familiar trailhead in Seward. Don’t fret, though; I spent at least one of those days with my family! On the first day, we did a beginner snowshoe trip to Lake Helen Mackenzie. On Day Two, I led an intermediate snowshoe trip to Mount Allen Brooks. For the final adventure, we cranked up the intensity at Stowe Peak, in the Prince of Wales Range.

Island Mountain Ramblers walking through Paradise Meadows
The line of Ramblers snaking along

Our trip to Mount Allen Brooks started at the early hour of 6:00 am, as we headed up to Raven Lodge. The morning brought poor conditions: dark clouds cast a dim light on the landscape, a light rain was falling, and a stiff breeze passed through us all as we stood outfitting ourselves, signing waivers , and waiting for everyone to arrive.

 I started the day with minor trepidation. This was my third attempt of Mount Allan Brooks; the two failed attempts were in less favourable conditions, but on this day I was less than fresh, as my hips were bruised from hauling my son around in the pulk sled the day before. It’s not often that I start a hike fatigued from an effort the day before — unless a tent is involved. However, I had a good feeling; the day before, I had noted that there was a cut track all the way to and across Lake Helen Mackenzie. Beyond that…. we would have to discover!

Mount Allen Brooks GPS Route & Map Strathcona Park, Vancouver Island
Mount Allen Brooks GPS route & map

Total Distance:  14.9 km
Starting Elevation: 1066 m
Maximum Elevation: 663 m
Total Time:  7 hours

Read the full report on Matthew Lettington’s blog: Boring Art, Boring Life

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