November 1st, 2020
~ submitted by Matthew Lettington
A more perfect day in the mountains will be hard to achieve when one’s comparison is the November 1st trip to Gemini Mountain. This was my third trip to the peaks but by far the most splendid.
My previous trips to the twin peaks were enjoyable by a different measure. The memories are marred by Long-lasting psychological scars brought by bitterly cold wind and icy rocks. On this trip, we experienced rare t-shirt weather that seldom makes an appearance so late in the year.
Once we broke out of the trees, the lightest of breezes cooled our bodies while we were simultaneously warmed by the rays of the sun shining from the cloudless sky. And, oh, the views!
During our lunch on the summit, I’m sure the seeds of many future adventures were planted as we each stared into the valleys below and the peaks beyond.
What a great day!
Thank you to Michael Paskevicius and Jes Garceau for the photography.