Mt. Cokely via CPR Trail (Lifetime Objective)

—submitted by Joseph Mckenna

On a not so typical Wednesday, (August 24, 2022)  four Ramblers trusted me enough to lead an inaugural trip.  The selection was a lifetime objective, Mt. Cokely via the CPR trail. We were blessed with fine weather (although a little warm) and no smoke of any significance. We had a very experienced crew and exchanged some safety information, introductions and started our walk.

The first part of the ascent is well know to most as its easy access to the lookout offers opportunities to stretch their legs and lungs when other trails are blocked by weather or snow.  But today, our objective was to push past the lookout point and follow the mix flagging, boot tracks, trails and even roads to the summit  Despite the heat which became an inhibitor as midday approached, we all made it to the summit.  There was even a little snow patch left where Andrew retrieved a fine looking snowball.
The views out to Arrowsmith were great, and Jewel Lake below looked inviting but too far away for our aims.  After a nice lunch and some pictures of the wonderful 360 degree views, we headed down, arriving back at the cars after 10 hours.
Highlights were of course, the fine company of Joanna, Jamie, Andrew and Carmen; stunning views of Arrowsmith; and probably the pine marten that Jamie got a good look at as it bounded across a log. Oh, and crossing that Lifetime Objective off the list!

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