Lifetime Hiking Objective : Mary Hof

Congratulations to Mary Hof on completing the club’s Lifetime Hiking Objective! On October 2nd,  she joined a maligned trip on the Upper Cowichan River footpath (not sure it can still be called this).

Mary shared this:

So today I completed my last hike to earn the “Lifetime Hiking Objective Award” for the Island Mountain Ramblers. Oh man I just hope everyone that completes this challenge does the trail of the Upper Cowichan River. Lake Cowichan to Skutz Falls. I am not calling the middle part a trail at all, if was a bushwhack in hell. We even had to cross a stream, thank goodness I had my sandals the others didn’t lol. I like forest bushwhacking don’t get me wrong, but with thorns and swamp grass as high as you, and can’t see below all the holes there are, I don’t enjoy that.

Thanks to John Young who led it today, I know he led it for me to get this Lifetime Objective completed. Our group was amazing also, lots of laughter and talk. They were all very adventurous. I think swimming the river would have been easier lol. So what is the Lifetime Hiking Objective Award, well its 16 hikes that were picked by the Island Mountain Ramblers many years ago. (Check their website) It feels good to complete, I will be the 9th person to receive it. The first two were given in 1987. Will I stop hiking now, hell no, but it is always nice to set a goal or have a goal you are aiming for, and work toward that goal. I think we all do that in life, and hiking is no different.

So friends work hard to the challenge you have in front of you, and step by step, you will get there.

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