February 4th and 5th, 2023
~ submitted by Mary Hof
I am writing this blog for both hikes to Mt. Richards for Feb 4th and 5th. I offered the same hikes for both days, because at the beginning I saw so many people on the wait list, and I saw many were first timer, and I didn’t want them to miss the opportunity. In the end 7 hiked on Saturday and 8 on Sunday. Saying all that, I am happy I kept the two days of hiking on Mt. Richards and that I was able to lead for many that have not been there before.
The weather was dreary both days, but we got some views both days also. Lots of history on Mt. Richards with the Lenora railway and we got to walk in history where the track once was. We saw beaver lodges and freshly cut trees cut by beavers.
The Saturday group got to do some off trail hiking lol, which everyone enjoyed, but wasn’t planned. But what is a hike if no bushwalking is involved right?
Thanks Ramblers for a great two days of leading hikes.