Ball Lake Lookout

August 20, 2023

~ submitted by John Robertson

We left Raven Lodge in a faint haze of smoke. Good conversation made the hike up past Lady Lake fly by. We exchanged pleasantries with groups of weekend campers making their way out as we headed in. We found the route towards Ball Lake fairly easily, and set off on our adventure.

The soil was parched around rock outcrops, but the plant life was green and healthy elsewhere. When we arrived at the lakes, the water was low, and didn’t invite a dip, so we continued on to the lookout. There we had a leisurely lunch, and took in what views the smoke would allow. Suitably replenished, we set out on what was expected to be the
challenging leg of the trip.

And it delivered! The bushwhack to the base of the bluff was suitably bushy, the scramble up the bluff was scrambly enough to make us all proud of ourselves, and the hike up to our little summit got the blood flowing.

Another pause for smoky views at the top, and we then wandered down towards Croteau Lake. At the lake, we took a snack / lounge / chat / swim (one person brave enough) break, then headed back to the cars via Helen Mackenzie. The smoke cleared somewhat as we headed back, and we were grateful for the shade of the forest. More people were enjoying the Meadows as we passed through; the number of foreign accents and languages indicated that a great number were tourists braving the smoke.

Then at the cars, goodbyes were said. At that point, I suspect that most people’s thoughts were already turning to the supper that would be enjoyed when we got home.

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