Mt. Elma Snowshoe

March 1st, 2020

~ submitted by John Young

A Ramble up Mt. Elma – March 1, 2020

Ah, lucked out with another beautiful day snowshoeing up Mt. Elma with a wonderful group of nine members of the Island Mountain Ramblers.

We started out from Raven Lodge at 9:45 and meandered through Paradise Meadows, then up to Battleship Lake. The snow in the trees! The view of Strathcona’s peaks from the summit–oh! 

Headed across the lake

and then climbed up to Elma – oh! the snow plastering the trees!

And the summit approach was spectacular – beautiful snow!

A happy group on top of the world

After a relaxed lunch atop, we returned to the lodge.

Although we had good visibility from the top, it began snowing just as we started back, so we were lucky! My GPS says we travelled 11.41 km with an elevation gain of 377 m, and we kept a pleasant pace for about 4 hours. Thanks to all for another great outing!

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