August 16, 2021
~ submitted by Mary Hof
Maple Mountain Ramble was 12.8km and 850m elevation gain. I had 3 Ramblers, and 3 Outdoor Club members. We went to some parts of the mountain where others had not been.
Always a pleasure to show a group Mary’s View 2004. I explain to people back then there was no trail, and to get there was a real bushwhack, I kept going back and scouting it out. The Cowichan Hikers decided to put this sign there in recognition of my involvement in leading groups.
Yes, we did bushwhack today a little, its not me if I don’t but we did go also on my mapped trails we made it down from Mary’s View to Rainford Lake, and to the Old Blue and down to the Yellow Trail. We started and ended on Chilco Rd. The sea was busy with lots of boats today. We had lunch by the water then made our way back.
It was a delight to lead a wonderful my pace kind of group.