A Flower Feast on the East Sooke Trail

–submitted by John Young

An Island Mountain Ramblers’ Trip

We had two groups, and after meeting at Roche Cove and swapping vehicles, my group drove to Aylard Farm, where we started off at about 9 a.m. A hot day! Even along the ocean, but much cooler in the shade of the trees. We didn’t hurry, and our total time was 7 1/2 hours, but according to my Gaia appears the moving time was only 5 hours 39 minutes. So we revelled in the sights along this beautiful trail for almost two hours!

Starting off from Aylard Farm

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So Many Fabulous Scenic Vistas

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At the 49th Parallel

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Much cooler in the shade of the trees

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Possibly my favourite spot on the trail

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And oh, the flowers!

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And, to keep us on our toes, some steepish ups and downs to navigate

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Shaorong dancing to the finish line!

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Thanks to the Capital Regional District for protecting, developing, and maintaining this jewel of a park!

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