Maple Mountain

March 10, 2024
~ submitted by Mary Hof

Well, it turned out to be a beautiful hike that I led for the Ramblers today. I had 11 cancel and 1 no show, but to those that came we had a wonderful day.

We started from Southview Trail Head and hit one of my off trails to the summit, from there we took the Pink trail to Orange where the view was beautiful. The trail down the Powerline on the Orange was a bit slippery in places with the moss on the rock, but this gave the group a feeling of hey I did it.

It is a lot easier going up this trail for sure. From there we continued on the Orange trail and climbed the ridge of Darrell Bench where we had a lunch in the warmth.

4 hours, 540m, and 10km. Special thanks to Dorothy who always takes beautiful pictures to share with me.

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