July 10th, 2021
~ submitted by Mary Hof
It was a hot day to hike 16km, 850m elevation gain in the Sooke Hills Saturday, July 10th. Lead the hike for Island Mountain Ramblers and the Outdoor Club of Victoria.
We hiked from Charters River fish hatchery up Monument Mountain, had a well-deserved snack, and then headed to Grassy Lake, where the lilies were a spectacular sight. A quick break here and off to Mary’s Peak, 3 hours from when we started. A well-deserved lunch and I told them how I got a name on the map. I told them many years ago there was not much of a trail there, and at a difficult time in my life, I found peace there never seeing anyone there. After few times of going there, I mentioned to a few people how I just felt so good here, and the next thing I knew Mary’s Peak was on Open Street Map.
I have led many groups up here, and each time I am here a feeling of happiness comes to me, and I think everyone on the hike shared that happiness with me today.
After some pictures, we hiked back to Grassy Lake and heading down the Grassy Lake Trail back to our vehicle. It took us 6 hours.
It was good to share the day with so many that have never hiked here before, some that came from quite the distance. I have been leading hikes for over 25 years and I am always thankful to show people the beauty in every hike I lead.