April 2, 2023
~ submitted by Matthew Lettington
What a perfect day on the trail! When I scheduled the trip, I had high hopes for great weather. But, as the day approached, the forecast took a turn for the worst. We all expected a cold, drizzly day, with wet brush and slippery rock. We were in for a treat!
Seven club members met at Alyard Farm for a car shuffle that allowed some participants the luxury of doing the coast trail without the commitment of following the inland route back to the cars. We started our hike shortly after 8 AM. In the dim light of the morning and in the tall trees, we had no idea what would await us when we got to the coast.
Once we reached the coastal route we saw the clouds breaking up and many blue patches. I wouldn’t call it sunny, but that would come. The trail was primarily dry which allowed our group the security of dry footing as we moved.
We took many breaks, including an extended break at Cabin Point. A cool breeze ensured none of were tempted to nap, but the view was worth the chill. Though the breeze kept with us along the coastal route, the sun came out and made for ideal conditions.
The trial was quieter this time, but between Cabin Point and Alyard Farm, we passed 53 trail users. At the farm, we enjoyed another extended break at the picnic tables.
The inland route proved lovely as ever. We opted to visit Babbington Hill which added elevation to our day.
All told we hiked 25 kilometres with 1440 metres of elevation gain for the day, and we had an almighty elevation maximum of 230 m. That’s right, we climbed a might 230 m mountain and gained 1440 metres to do it.
Thank you to everyone. I enjoyed our group. And for those who wanted to know, it was 35-38.