Boston Ridge and Mount Becher

July 8, 2023

~ submitted by Mary Hof

Boston Ridge returning by way of Mt. Becher was an awesome day. I have never done it before and my co-leader Leslie was there in full support whatever I needed.

Thanks to Ken, Maggie, Leslie, Mo, and Carol we all had a good time. From the parking lot of Forbidden Plateau we headed for Boston Creek, no water to cross, that is how dry it was. Up up, up you go one bump at a time. Then down, down, down to get to Becher side, and then up, up, and more up to Mt. Becher.

We made it there in 4.5 hours. The trail was easy to find for the most of it. Flowers were beautiful and the views amazing.

We returned down from Mt Becher via the usual summit trail to the parking lot. Total time was 7 hours with 1100m elevation gain.

One thing I would like to add is if you are on the waiting list and you are going away or know you are busy that day, go online and mark your self as not coming, even if you are way up on the wait list. Your name automatically comes up as a yes, so we had 2 yes and waited at the meetup place 15 minutes. It helps the leader a lot especially with the planning and rides.

Cheers all.

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