Nahmint Mountain has been on my bucket list for a long time, but there always seem to be bigger and more important mountains to tackle than this peak. The main issue is that the trip reports I’ve read discuss how long the trip is, and it’s difficult to find people who are interested in doing exceptionally long days. I’m happy to report that we used a route that got us back to the vehicle within eight hours.
I received some excellent feedback from an experienced mountaineer on the island. The feedback helped us find a good route up the east ridge of the peak. “Good” is a relative term, especially if you’re familiar with the mountains in this range.
The lower valley is quite bushy, but it’s still not as dense as some of the more challenging forests I’ve hiked through. While using this route, we encountered a few steep forested areas, but there were plenty of green belays to help us navigate.
The alpine terrain opens up at around 1100 meters, and from there, it’s straightforward to navigate along the ridge to the summit block. From there, it’s just a short scramble to reach the summit. At its most difficult, the route is probably no more than third class.
One of the highlights of the trip was the weather. I was expecting it to be wet and miserable all day, but to our surprise, the clouds cleared while we were on the summit ridge. We enjoyed enough sunshine to dry our clothes and take in the beautiful views.
I want to express my gratitude to everyone who joined me on this trip.